Standard Conversion Services

Standard Conversion Services consist of computer-generated translation of your source code by our trained personnel using one of our standard translators, including any necessary preparation of your source file for input to the translator. The fixed price for these services can be computed by using the following:

Standard Validation Services*

Standard Vaidation Services consist of compiling the translated source with the compiler of you choise by our trained personnel, including any necessary corrections to ther source file to compile correctly. The fixed price for these services can be computed by using the following:

**Validation and compilation services, which are available for an additional fee, consist of verification of your translated source code by our trained personnel using your target compiler, including any necessary preparation of the translated source file.


Conversion Services Supported Languages


ASM 51 conversion service - convert Intel asm51 to C , support all variants of the MCS-51
ASM 360 conversion service- convert IBM 360 assembler to C
ASM 370 conversion service - convert IBM 370 assembler to C
ASM 390 conversion service - convert IBM 390 assembler to C
ASM 68000 conversion service- convert Motorola 68000 assembly to C
ASM 68010 conversion service- convert Motorola 68010 assembly to C
ASM 68020 conversion service - convert Motorola 68020 assembly to C
ASM 68030 conversion service - convert Motorola 68030 assembly to C
SM 68040 - convert Motorola 68040 assembly to C
ASM 80 conversion service- convert Intel 8080 assembly to C
ASM 85 conversion service- convert Intel 8085 assembly to C
ASM 86 conversion service- convert Intel x86 assembly to C
ASM 96 conversion service -convert Intel 8096 assembly to C, support all variants of MCS- 96
ASM 196 conversion service -convert Intel 80196 assembly to C, support all variants of MCS- 196
MASM conversion service - convert Microsoft x86 assembly to C
Power conversion service - convert Motorola Power assembly to C
Power PC conversion service - convert Motorola Power PC assembly to C
RASM conversion service - convert Motorola RASM assembly to C
ASM 6800 conversion service - convert Motorola 6800 assembly to C
ASM 6801 conversion service - convert Motorola 6801 assembly to C
ASM 6802 conversion service - convert Motorola 6802 assembly to C
ASM 6803 conversion service - convert Motorola 6803 assembly to C
ASM 6805 conversion service- convert Motorola 6805 assembly to C
ASM 6808 conversion service - convert Motorola 6808 assembly to C also 68HC08
ASM 6809 conversion service - convert Motorola 6809 assembly to C
ASM 6811 conversion service - convert Motorola 6811 assembly to C also 68HC11
TASM conversion service - convert Borland x86 assembly to C
HPASM 1 conversion service - convert HP 6400 ASSEMBLER 8088/8086 assembly to C
HPASM 2 conversion service - convert HP B1449 ASSEMBLER 8086/80186 assembly to C
H8S conversion service - convert HITACHI H8S assembly to C, convert Renesas H8S assembly to C
MSP 430 conversion service - convert TI MSP430 assembly to C
PIC conversion service - convert Microchip PIC assembly to C
COP8 conversion service - convert National Semiconductor COP assembly to C
MCS-48 conversion service - convert Intel MCS- 48 assembly to C
AVR conversion service - convert AVR assembly to C
Zilog conversion service - convert Zilog Z80, Z8000 assembly to C
HITACHI conversion services - convert HITACHI HD6418 assembly to C similar to Z80
TI conversion services - convert TI TMS 370 assembly to C similar to 8051
AVR conversion services - convert AVR assembly to C


Pascal conversion services - convert Borland Turbo Pascal version 3.0 to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert Borland Turbo Pascal version 7.0 to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert Microsoft Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert HP-UX Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert Oregon Software Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert VAX Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert Modula 2 Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert TI Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert Object Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert SVS Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert Workshop Pascal (Macintosh) to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert Sun Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert HP Pascal/64000 to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert IBM AIX Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert Tektronix Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Pascal conversion services - convert Delphi Pascal to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA


COBOL 68 conversion services - convert COBOL 68 to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
COBOL 74 conversion services - convert COBOL 74 to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
COBOL 85 conversion services - convert COBOL 85 to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
RM/COBOL conversion services - convert RM/COBOL to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
MF/COBOL conversion services - convert MF/COBOL to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
IBM COBOL conversion services - convert IBM COBOL to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
COBOL II conversion services - convert COBOL II to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
AS400 COBOL conversion services - convert AS400 COBOL to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
ACUCOBOL - 85 conversion services - convert ACUCOBOL - 85 to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
ACUCOBOL - GT conversion services - convert ACUCOBOL - GT to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
CA-Realia COBOL conversion services - convert CA-Realia COBOL to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA


PL/C Cornell University conversion services - convert PL/C Cornell University to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
PL/I for IBM series 1 conversion services - convert PL/I for IBM series 1 to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
PL/I - D IBM PL/I subset conversion services - convert PL/I - D IBM PL/I subset to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
PL/I - F IBM full language conversion services - convert PL/I - F IBM full language to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
DRI PL/I - D Digital Research subset conversion services - convert DRI PL/I - D Digital Research subset to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
IBM optimizer PL/I - DOS conversion services - convert IBM optimizer PL/I - DOS to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
IBM optimizer PL/I - OS conversion services - convert IBM optimizer PL/I - OS to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
ANSI X3.7-1987 PL/I subset conversion services - convert ANSI X3.7-1987 PL/I subset to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
ANSI X3.53-1976 / ISO 6160-1979 PL/I conversion services - ANSI X3.53-1976 / ISO 6160-1979 PL/I to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Prime PL/I conversion services - convert Prime PL/I to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Stratus PL/I conversion services - convert Stratus PL/I to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
Data General PL/I conversion services - convert Data General PL/I to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA
VAX PL/I conversion services - convert VAX PL/I to C, C++, C#, J#, JAVA


PL/M 51 conversion services - convert Intel PL/M 51 to C
PL/M 80 conversion services - convert Intel PL/M 80 to C
PL/M 86 conversion services - convert Intel PL/M 86 to C
PL/M 96 conversion services - convert Intel PL/M 96 to C
PL/M 186 conversion services - convert Intel PL/M 186 to C
PL/M 286 conversion services - convert Intel PL/M 286 to C
PL/M 386 conversion services - convert Intel PL/M 386 to C


Fortran 77 conversion services - convert Fortran 77 to C
Fortran 90 conversion services - convert Fortran 90 to C


  MSP430 conversion services - convert MSP430 Assembly to C